You work hard. You offer a wonderful service. You care about your clients or customers. However, that great business of yours isn’t getting the results you want. If that sounds familiar, today’s post is just for you.
I was prompted to write this, after receiving an email from a small business owner. He explained that he’d tried email marketing and, “it doesn’t work”. I’m guessing he didn’t read how I helped Irene make over $32,000 in 9 days, with email marketing. He then went on to say “[…] marketing doesn’t work for our business”.
What he meant was that ineffective, amateur marketing doesn’t work.
Marketing that fails
Marketing is like everything else in life: If you do it incorrectly, it doesn’t work. At least 99% of the small business marketing out there is totally ineffective. Think about it, you’re being pestered by bad marketing every day on social networks, by email, traditional mail, text messages and cold calls, etc. This shapes how you feel about marketing.
More worryingly, if you’re a typical small business owner who dabbles with marketing, you will copy some of these tactics assuming they must work, at least to some degree. They don’t work. They simply interrupt people and make you look needy. That’s a bad look.
So, what’s the answer?
The answer is to understand that ANY good business can be marketed successfully and can thrive. Really thrive.
Let me be perfectly clear on this:
If your business offers a good quality service and it isn’t growing the way you want it to, it’s because your marketing isn’t working. Start marketing your business correctly and it will grow. Moreover, it will grow the way you want it to. That’s what professional marketing is all about.
Business success is a decision
The great news here is that the success of your business is in your hands. There’s nothing elusive about building a very successful business. You can start the process of improving your business and your future today, right now, by making a decision.
Decide to choose success and then act accordingly. To choose success, yet follow the same amateur business development path as the failing masses, is insane.