… is underrated.
However, it’s essential. Regardless of what the gurus tell you about life-hacks, success-hacks, growth-hacks and marketing-hacks, no one can succeed without applying the required effort. That’s why it’s required.
Work smart.
Work efficiently.
Work carefully.
And rest!
But be sure to do the required work and the required hours. Because when you do, you’ll find yourself making more progress, and faster, than the person who wastes their time seeking elusive short-cuts to success.
Just think
Interestingly, when we look at the work output of the gurus selling the hacks, we find they’re working their butts off!
The videos they shoot, their always-on social media presence across multiple platforms, their podcasts, their interviews, the book they’re writing, their newsletters, their speaking engagements, etc., etc… these combine to create a massive workload.
Do what’s required.
Avoid what isn’t.
Because short-cuts to success are almost never short-cuts and they never lead to success.