Back when I was at school, I remember one of my teachers grading my work with an F, and I was lucky to even get that! Mr King also included the following 2 words: Lazy attitude! He was a great teacher and he was absolutely right.
He knew the distance between what I was capable of, and what I actually achieved. It took me a while, and a few more failures, but I eventually learned from it and have benefited from an industrious attitude ever since.
Working attitudes
Today, aspiring business owners often ask me for a tip that will help their business idea to succeed. I tell them that no matter how amazing their business idea is, it’s no match for a lazy attitude. Doing the work, all the work, is essential for success.
I then share how an industrious attitude to business manifests itself, compared to a lazy attitude.
Industrious attitudes
Those with an industrious attitude will get an amazing business idea. Then, they’ll find out what needs to be done, and do all the work required. Their idea stands a good chance of success.
But that’s not all.
Because these people have an industrious attitude, they’ll keep on working at it. They’ll keep on doing the right things correctly, achieving success upon success.
Lazy attitudes
Those with a lazy attitude will get an amazing business idea. Then, they’ll find out what needs to be done. But they’ll refuse to do all the work required. They will avoid tasks that are essential, but are outside their comfort zones. Consequently, their idea has absolutely no chance of success.
But that’s not all.
If they choose to stay in their comfort zone, they’ll keep failing to do what’s needed, suffering failure after failure.
Ditching a lazy attitude once and for all
1. There’s no comfort in your comfort zone. None. It’s a place of regret and lack.
2. Hard work is overrated. Great ideas are overrated. But when you put the two together, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.
Any of us can choose to leave the fake comfort of a comfort zone. It will take time. It will be hard. But it’s literally the only possible way to succeed and keep on succeeding.