An unhappy customer today has enormous power. Think about it:
- She can take her issue to Facebook or Twitter and tell 500 people how badly she was treated.
- Some of those people will reshare her story, and within no time, 5000 people could be talking about it.
- Then, some of those people will reshare her story too. Before you know it, 50000 or 100000 people could be sharing her story.
Isn’t that wonderful?
Same tools — different use
You see, the same tools that customers use to share their anger, can be used to share their delight.
So, make it a habit to go out of your way to delight your customers. Look for opportunities to leave them open-mouthed in happy amazement.
They already have the tools to tell the world how great you are. What they need from you, is a story worth sharing!
Tip: Here are some ideas and examples of how to delight your customers.