Here’s a content marketing tip, to help you attract the attention of prospective customers AND motivate them to buy from you or hire you. It’s all about one word that has two extremely useful meanings. That word is Frequency.
Allow me to explain.
I was prompted to write this after 2 emails I received.
- The first was from a long time reader. Sophie got in touch to find out why I hadn’t published quite as many newsletters recently.
- The second email was from a former reader. Rick emailed to say he’d unsubscribed from the blog, because I publish too often.
There’s a powerful lesson here for anyone who wants to grow their business.
Clearly, I’ll never be able to keep everyone happy with the frequency of my newsletter. For some it will be too little. For others it will be too much. If I keep Sophie happy, I lose Rick. If I keep Rick happy, I lose Sophie.
So, here’s what I do.
Rather than try and get the frequency right for everyone, I use a different kind of frequency. A frequency that works. Every. Single. Time!
More importantly, it’s the kind of frequency, which you can use to attract more clients or customers and build your business.
The other type of frequency
There’s another kind of frequency. The kind radios use. If you tune your radio into the same frequency as a radio station, you receive their signal. You’re (literally) on the same wavelength as them.
When you’re on the same wavelength as your marketplace, you’re in harmony with them. And they’re in harmony with you. Sophie and I are on the same wavelength. If you’re a long time reader, you and I are on the same wavelength, too.
In short: I only write for you and Sophie.
Now, that won’t be the right frequency for everyone. But I don’t write for everyone. And there’s a very good reason why. It turns out you can’t keep everyone happy. And the harder you try, the weaker your signal becomes. Before you know it, no one is on your wavelength.
Though I used the example of newsletters / blogging for this post, the exact same strategy works for every kind of content marketing.
Supercharge your marketing
If your marketing isn’t resonating with your marketplace, it’s entirely possible your signal is too weak. This happens when you try to be relevant to as many people as possible.
You land in the middle. In my earlier example, you’d be too infrequent for Sophie and too frequent for Rick. Lose, lose.
By landing in the middle, you become directly relevant to no one. This means your marketing message will lack the motivation it needs, to inspire your prospects to take action. Only clear, directly relevant marketing has that kind of impact.
So, pick a frequency.
Shun the masses.
Embrace the community you wish to serve. Focus only on them, their needs and their wants. Be generous. And be generous as often as you can.
Pretty soon, you will have a community of people on your wavelength.
- People who will value what you do.
- People who will miss you when you’re not there.
- People who will hire you.
- People who will recommend you.
- People who will talk about you.
Just imagine how valuable that will be for your business.