Marketing relies heavily on creativity. It takes creativity to attract your prospective client’s attention. It takes creativity to stand out against your competitors. It also takes creativity to write a great marketing message or land a new client.
The enemy of creativity is fear. Specifically, the fear of failure.
Today, I’m going to show you how to overcome this challenge, so you be free to create without fear and improve everything about your marketing at the same time. It’s based on a strategy I discovered in the mid 1990’s and it’s worked for me ever since. I hope you find it as valuable as I have.
It looks like this
I decided to improve how I felt about creating, by reframing my marketing as a series of experiments. This was not only extremely helpful. It was also factually correct.
Think about it.
Everything you do to market your business is done to achieve some kind of result. That result is feedback. By measuring the feedback, you learn, and can then improve the result next time. It’s a process of testing and measuring akin to scientific experiments.
Marketing experiments
So, I switched, mentally, from spending my day on a series of projects, to spending my day on a series of marketing experiments. It was such a powerful exercise that I even renamed my first office ‘The Lab’.
What I loved about this approach is that it made me vastly more productive. That’s because the more I experimented, the more feedback I received.
And that feedback is extremely valuable.
- Sometimes the feedback is what I expected.
- Sometimes the feedback is a total surprise.
- Sometimes the feedback leads to a major success breakthrough.
- Sometimes the feedback leads to a massively more profitable, new direction.
However, no experiment ever fails!
That’s because the feedback you receive equips you to make better and better marketing experiments. With better marketing experiments, comes better marketing results; more new clients, more product sales, better client retention, higher profitability, more enquiries, more subscribers and every other sales metric you need.
As such, fear was eliminated from my creative output. This freed me to become vastly more productive.
You and your business
Could this approach work for you?
Yes. Yes it could.
However, you’ll never know if it works for until you give it a try. So, go ahead. Test, measure and improve your sales results. As often as you wish.
P.S. Here’s why people criticise you and how to deal with it, in just 3 steps.
Photo by Yassine Khalfalli on Unsplash