Are you tired of prospective clients or customers, who don’t get back to you when they say they will? If you are, here’s something you may find extremely useful. It’s all about the biggest lie in business.
Here’s the thing. Whenever a prospective client tells you they didn’t have the time to email you, return your call or consider your offer… they’re lying.
They had the time
And you already knew this.
You already knew full well that:
- They had the time to do all the business tasks, which they considered urgent or important.
- They also had the time to do stuff that interested them. Like checking the news, texting a friend or sharing a funny TikTok video.
- Oh, and they definitely had enough time to check their social media accounts. Over and over again.
What they lacked wasn’t time.
What they lacked was motivation.
Specifically, they lacked the motivation to do whatever you requested. They just didn’t want to tell you. They thought they were being nice. The truth is that as far as they were concerned, your proposal, offer or whatever, just didn’t seem compelling enough to them. So, they didn’t consider it a priority. And that’s why it didn’t get done.
Okay Jim, how do I stop this from happening, and massively improve my results?
That’s a great question!
And here’s a pretty nifty answer.
Motivation, attraction and deadlines
To motivate your prospective clients and customers to take action, you need to do the following.
Make your offer as attractive as possible. Start by looking at what you’re asking your prospects to do and make it sound more captivating. More interesting. More inspiring. More compelling. Remember, motivation comes from the words Motive and Action. When the motive is high enough, the action follows. So, use all your creativity to make whatever you’re offering sound as compelling as possible.
Then, give them a deadline. Deadlines focus the mind. They create urgency, which is exactly what you need in order to motivate prospects to take action!
Note: Here’s an example of how to use deadlines.
Make no mistake, the most powerful way to motivate your prospective clients to take action, is to provide them with a highly compelling offer, which is attached to a deadline. Get it right and you’ll find the marketplace will make time for you.
You’ll also enjoy a dramatic improvement in your sales and marketing results.